
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Various Characteristics of Yoga

Today, when we talk about yoga, we mainly talk about the practice of asanas and pranayama, that is, the postures that aim to soften and strengthen the body and the breathing exercises that regulate the flow of vital energy. Yoga brings a lot of physical benefits including muscle relaxation (yoga postures are varied to stretch all major muscle groups). Some postures help build muscle smoothly, others work rather balance. With regular practice we can correct posture errors developed throughout our lives which greatly reduces chronic back problems. A study conducted by Temple University in 2008 showed that Iyengar yoga practice improves balance in women over 65 years old. Yoga helps reduce stress . Yoga postures to do at home When practicing at home the best is to do simple postures not to get hurt like for example. The triangle (trikonasana)   stand with your feet together, take a step forward with your right foot, put your right hand on your right ankle and raise your lef